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QGL Lan Photos - /2002/March/Set_1

Khel loves Microsoft (77kb)

Grimace with his homemade EA wallpaper (50kb)

Grimace with his winning EA wallpaper (72kb)

Another homemade wallpaper (77kb)

Mick who sold his soul for a car (58kb)

Micks evil Supra (104kb)

Mick has to push, the engine costs more (92kb)

Phwoar I'm so cool! (84kb)

Brrrmmm! (115kb)




Cars that are less impressive than Micks (100kb)

Carnie parking! (114kb)

Carnies! (118kb)

More carnies! (127kb)

Dirty dirty Term (66kb)

It took him ages to realise the sign was there (68kb)

K-Man and his game winning wallpaper (64kb)

StreX and his sifn't EA wallpaper. (75kb)

Phwoar! Kitten! (60kb)

Grey is all ping (72kb)

Funky homemade EA wallpaper (43kb)

sifn't gamers! (84kb)

Oncogene and his game winning wallpaper (83kb)

So many fa... er.. gamers. (75kb)

Typodemon being Typodemon next to Khel (62kb)

Some of these people are playing CS! (83kb)

Gamers! (82kb)

Table on right reserved for juarez munkeys (81kb)

Computer Alliance rawks j00 (73kb)

Purty PC (88kb)

This kid kept ducking, so I took his photo (81kb)

Kitten, Bourbon and Pyth. Bourbon is the one playing (63kb)

Kitten, Pyth, Goggs, Ronald McDonald (Limps) and Ducker. (76kb)

Shrapsaq and his EA wallpaper (64kb)

- QGL Photo Archives

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