QGL Lan Photos - /2002/March/Set_1 |
Khel loves Microsoft
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Grimace with his homemade EA wallpaper
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Grimace with his winning EA wallpaper
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Another homemade wallpaper
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Mick who sold his soul for a car
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Micks evil Supra
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Mick has to push, the engine costs more
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Phwoar I'm so cool!
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Cars that are less impressive than Micks
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Carnie parking!
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More carnies!
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Dirty dirty Term
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It took him ages to realise the sign was there
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K-Man and his game winning wallpaper
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StreX and his sifn't EA wallpaper.
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Phwoar! Kitten!
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Grey is all ping
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Funky homemade EA wallpaper
(43kb) |
sifn't gamers!
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Oncogene and his game winning wallpaper
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So many fa... er.. gamers.
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Typodemon being Typodemon next to Khel
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Some of these people are playing CS!
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Table on right reserved for juarez munkeys
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Computer Alliance rawks j00
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Purty PC
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This kid kept ducking, so I took his photo
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Kitten, Bourbon and Pyth. Bourbon is the one playing
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Kitten, Pyth, Goggs, Ronald McDonald (Limps) and Ducker.
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Shrapsaq and his EA wallpaper
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