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QGL Lan Photos - /Events/AGDC_2002/trip_down

Tarago of j0r (57kb)

Packing the tarago (65kb)

Nice and roomy (53kb)

Voodoo starts the trip (50kb)

Khel at the start of the trip (56kb)

Bones making a deal (64kb)

Voodoo rests after his first stint (54kb)

Khel awakes (62kb)

Bones after his first stint (73kb)

The Dish! at Parkes (48kb)

The Dish! (64kb)

Bones and the dish (145kb)

The dish (91kb)

Bogan Gate (79kb)

Twisters (46kb)

Lovely driving weather (47kb)

Dust storm (31kb)

Bratt (60kb)

Chick sitting way too low (92kb)

BMine (69kb)

First night hotel room (66kb)

Extremely small bathroom (62kb)

Tiny tiny shower (49kb)

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